
The information I have provided on this page is to help you maintain your overall health. I will be adding more videos and photos concerning opening the hips, pecs, hamstrings, and last but possibly the most important of all – how to keep THE FEET open and flexible. I hope to have a new or updated video in the coming future. Please check back. Thank You !

Below you will find photos and short videos I have made to help you stretch and elongate the upper back:

Reversing the Curve of the upper Thoracic spine – sooooo important for overall health !



The photo below is showing a good way to open the chest muscles (heart) and the front of the neck. Elongating the front of your body will help reduce and elevate the pain in your upper back and neck.I am doing this stretch with a yoga block turned length-ways and nothing under my head. This is not how i would reccomend you doing this position if you are new to stretching. The way I suggest most people do this is with a bolster, rolled up pillow or a foam roller. Start out by putting the prop just under your shoulder blades. I also recommend you begin with something under your head to support your neck and head. As your chest and neck muscles elongate you can try different variations. Contact me if you have any questions. Have Fun !

Bend the other way

Scotty Holding was licensed in the technique of Atlasprofilax by the Atlas Academy of Sieree, Switzerland, but has chosen to work independently. He now incorporates every aspect of his accumulated knowledge into his “Holding Atlas Method” treatments and his Advanced Bodywork practice.


Below is a video that explains the basics of the atlas dislocation: